Supplementary Education

Computational Imaging
Institute of Optics Summer Short Course Series, University of Rochester (remote)
Lectures on fundamentals of sensing, imaging, and photography, geometrical optics, interferometry, ptychography, holography, and computed tomography

Cellular and Molecular Mechanics,
NSF-GEM4 Summer School, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne
Lectures on cell and molecular biology, micro- and nano-technologies, and cellular and molecular biomechanics; hands- on laboratory activities on clean-room practices, lithography, thin film deposition and etching, micro-fluidic devices, and photonic sensors


C.Phil., Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego
Thesis Topic: Mechanical and Structural Properties of Avian Materials

M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego
Research Topic: X-ray Refinement and Characterization of Semiconductor Superlattics and Organometallics

B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of California, San Diego
Specialization: Electronic Materials